Wednesday, September 26, 2012

[CG399] - Snake Whale Update!

Worked on my snake whale today, decided to put a sort of environment on the background. Was gonna add a whole floating city, but I didn't have time : (. I'll post orthographics by the end of the day.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

[ANI300] - Posing in 3D

I have also decided that I want to go into animation a lot more in-depth this year, because of my lack of experience in 3D Animation. For my first assignment, my professor has assigned each of us an emotion, and we're supposed to do the assigned emotion, a balanced pose, and also an observational drawing. I believe I might have went a lot more out of-scale than the Lars Rig, the rig we've been assigned to use, so that's to be expected.

I also gestured with the movement of the rig in mind, not about what an actual human being would. Not knowing that there are rigs that could stretch and bend like an actual human's, if I had known this, I probably would have gestured a lot more smoothly and clearly in mind.

[CG399] - The Snake Whale!!!

So, since my post last week, I decided on the snake-whale-ish creature that I sketched out last week. Ultimately, because it was an actual CREATURE (Sorry shrimp chair!!!), I decided on this lovely thing. I drew out a lot of ideas about the whale, as if I'm some sort of biologist, and now I get to choose (again) between the usage of the whale, may it be for transportation or for war. I also have to think about the poly budget of the model I'm going to do based on the whale. Next week, I'll have to do a colored render of the whale, so stay tuned!

Friday, September 14, 2012

[CG399] Advanced Character Sculpting

Yay! For this Fall, I get to do zbrush sculpts of creatures again! This time, the only requirement I had to do was that the creatures were floating. I decided to do some aquatic creatures and mechanics (levitation by electromagnetism). For some reason, people chose my shrimp chair, my snake-whale, and my zombie robot.